Find Hidden Cameras

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Our Bug Sweeping Service can find hidden cameras in your home, business and vehicles. Our experienced Bug Sweepers specialize in locating hidden cameras that are on or off, wired or wireless. We do NOT use cheap spy shop gadgets! Our DSI Team specialists provide bug sweeping services all over the UAE and not only detect Hidden Cameras, Free Consultations. More than Twenty Years of Experience.

If there is a hidden camera in your home. We can detect either analog or digital signals. Most often we will be able to demodulate the signal. In then end, we can actually see the picture that is being record or transmit.

Let Us Assure Your Privacy and Provide You Peace of Mind!

You should contact us right away, if you suspect:

There is someone watching you.
Your residence has a bug.
Someone is listening to you.
Your office has a microphone bug.
Your Wi-Fi and router is not secure anymore.
Somebody is spying on you using your phone lines.

We Find Hidden Cameras, On or Off!

One of the greatest fears anyone can have is that you are being watched or video recorded in your own home, especially in areas where you would never expect a hidden cameraFind Hidden Cameras the most common areas where you will find a hidden camera are bathrooms, bedrooms, or any area where you might would feel comfortable walking around.

Need help Finding Hidden Cameras?

These videos can either be use for personal gratification, blackmail, or video sharing. There are hundreds of websites dedicated to voyeurism and websites where individuals can upload their hidden videos to ‘show-off’ their wives, girlfriends, parents, even children.

The only way for you to know for sure if there are any Hidden video cameras in your residence or place of business is to hire a professional. We have Professional Technical Surveillance Countermeasures technicians utilizing very sophisticated electronic equipment designed specifically to find hidden cameras.

Our Team can Find Hidden Cameras.

The specialized equipment we use will find hidden cameras that are either on or off, wired or wireless. Less experienced bug sweepers simply don’t have the equipment.

Find Hidden Cameras

Bug sweep services – Spy device detection

Houses and offices in UAE and all across the globe are bugged on a daily basis. Whether it’s for personal reasons or for potential commercial gain, covert electronic monitoring has been going on ever since the technology became available. And now with modern technology, bugs and recording devices come in many disguised and hidden forms.

Your house is your castle and if you feel something is wrong, it probably is!

​Many people who live in houses are the victims of hidden audio and video devices. It is very common for spouses to spy on each other, especially when they suspect infidelity. It is also common for contractors who have worked in your house to install hidden video cameras in bedrooms and bathrooms to watch the most private activities in your home. Our bug sweepers will physically and electronically search for hidden video cameras or digital audio recorders placed in bedrooms, kitchens and living rooms.

Need help Bug Sweep House or Residence?

A professional bug sweep of your home may reveal the presence of any hidden audio bugs, recorder, hidden cameras as well as identifying everything connected to your router, Wi-Fi, even identify routers or Wi-Fi devices you were not aware of!

CCTV SOLUTIONS offers one of the services related to bug sweeping. We aim to develop and maintain a continuous amount of research into technology that poses a covert threat to our clients in order to ensure that we are consistently providing a relevant, credible and capable service to ensure that we are keeping our clients safe from illicit devices.

Bug sweeping services vary in cost. For an accurate quotation, please feel free to contact us at any time on +971 52 887 1242.

If you believe that you are actively being monitored, the most secure way to communicate with us is via WhatsApp.

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